Empathy is our superpower

Empathy is our superpower

The day after I found out about Ahmaud Arbery’s murder, I had planned on leading a loving kindness meditation for my weekly writers group, Mindful Mornings.

I was full of emotion about Ahmaud’s death - sadness, rage, sorrow, disbelief - and extremely conflicted about asking a group of people to trust me as I lead them through a meditation where I invite you to extend love & kindness to all beings (which would include the two men who murdered Ahmaud).

Entering the new year with loving-kindness

Entering the new year with loving-kindness

I'm in Florida this week with my fiance's family, and I led a loving-kindness meditation and slow flow this morning on the beach. This time of year can feel heavy with pressure to check-in on 2019 New Year's resolutions and set the perfect intentions for 2020. While I value reflecting & goal setting highly, I also believe in the importance of appreciating that you are whole, complete and perfect just as you are right now.

Winter Solstice: honoring the dark & calling in the light

On December 21st, we celebrated the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. As we welcome more light into our days, this is the perfect moment to embrace the darkness and set your attention on what you'd like to call in. 

Below are the Writeshop prompts from December 2019. We focused on reflecting & releasing on the past decade; and calling in dreams and setting intentions for the next decade.

December Writeshop Prompts

  1. What do you appreciate and acknowledge yourself for over the past year/decade? Consider your accomplishments, proudest moments, relationships, etc. Celebrate yourself!

  2. What challenges have you faced over the past year/decade? Welcome in the darker side of you and acknowledge it for what it has provided you with. 

  3. What gives you energy? What lights you up? What activities, lessons learned or values would you like to carry with you into the next decade?

  4. What drains your energy that you’d like to let go of? What distractions or limiting beliefs would you like to leave behind? Perhaps there are toxic relationships, stagnant jobs, limiting beliefs or habits, material possessions… anything that isn't aligned with your values that you'd like to let go of so you can open up space for more light in 2020. Here is a releasing ritual from The Moon Deck that might interest you.

  5. What do you envision for yourself in the next decade? What do you want to call in? In this moment, where do you want to direct your attention? Dream big here and open yourself up to everything that could be possible for you. Where energy goes, energy flows.

  6. Set intentions for your next year/decade based on your vision. Use present tense, declarative statements like, “I am... I will... I create...”

  7. Share! Tell a friend, family member, partner, me (!) about your intentions. There is power & deeper connection available in vulnerability.

Is there one word or phrase you've identified that you can use as a mantra for 2020? If so, I'd love to hear. My word for 2020 is "expansion" while my declaration is, "I trust my contribution is required." More on this to come.

Much love to you!


trust + boundaries | a moon deck reading

I recently pulled moon cards for a friend of mine with the intention of seeking clarity in regards to a job that doesn’t feel quite right. The lessons I drew from these cards feel relevant to much of what I hear from my community about the process of discovering your purpose and figuring out how to align it with a specific job or career path. My hope is that this resonates with at least one person who reads it, and can help you seek more guidance in your journey!


Card #1:"I trust the change unfolding in my life."

  • You may be feeling that a change in your career is inevitable. If you’re at this point of recognition, it is time to put trust in this decision and the universe. 

  • As you navigate the beginnings of this transition, it's critical to trust the process, maintain any rituals that make you feel most like YOU, and allow yourself to explore new and potentially uncomfortable possibilities. 

  • "During this time, stick with your personal practices, make space to receive, and be kind to yourself." - The Moon Deck

Card #2: "Healthy boundaries keep me centered and balanced." 

  • When navigating this potential career transition, it's important to set boundaries in your personal and professional life. Tuning into your intuition during this process may bring to light some answers to your questions. 

  • Ask yourself: are there any boundaries in your current job that you can set in order to be happier at work? Or, are there other areas of your life that may require healthier boundaries in order to feel less pressure and more balance when searching for a new job? 

If you’re interested in having your moon cards pulled, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Near or far, I’d love to connect with you and offer some guidance during a time of transition, question, feeling stuck, or simply needing a boost of energy.

Much love,


reflection + intention | an exercise for 2019

Hello beautiful people -

A friend recently shared with me that he has a goal of finding more purpose in his current phase of life. I immediately thought of one of my favorite exercises to do throughout the year, and especially during a transition period:

1.) Open your journal to a completely empty page. Create two columns. On the lefthand side, write "what's not working" on the top of the page, and on the righthand side, write "what's working."  Think about your 2018 year, and spend 10 or so minutes creating a list under each column of what worked and what didn't work about your year. Don't think too hard... just let your thoughts and words flow onto the paper.

2.) On a new blank page, draw a large circle. This is called the "Power of Knowing What You Want Circle." Thank you to BIG Power Yoga and Laura Rust for teaching me this powerful prompt. Think about what you want for yourself in 2019... you can choose one area of your life, which could include, health/wellness, relationships, career, spirituality, etc:   

  • Inside the circle, write everything you are a YES for. Anything from 2018 that you want to carry into 2019. Anything you believe to be true or want to manifest for your life.

  • Outside the circle, write everything you are a NO for. Anything you want to leave in 2019, bad habits you’d like to quit, distractions, etc. 

3.) Using this momentum, write clear intentions for your upcoming year. Use phrases like, "I am,"  "I will," and "I am able to..."  Create as many as you'd like. Take your time and check in after each one you write to ensure that it feels true to you. 

4.) Reflect on this entire process by journaling for at least 15 minutes. How did it feel to reflect on 2018? To plan ahead for 2019? Was it easy or challenging to write intention statements? Did anything come up for you that surprised you? How do you feel moving into this next phase of life? 

I hope this is helpful for you! Don’t hesitate to reach out at cjowalton@gmail.com if you have any questions, or if you’d like to share how the exercise went for you! I’d love to hear from you.

Much love,
